Rabaul to Rapopo Plantation Resort

According to the web search results, the distance from Rabaul to Rapopo Plantation Resort is about 33.3 km. You can drive there in around 32 minutes, or take a taxi for about $190 $240. Rapopo Plantation Resort is a beachfront resort with stunning views of Tavurvur volcano and the islands of Rabaul. It offers a variety of activities and tours for its guests, such as snorkeling, diving, fishing, hiking, and golfing.

Is there a local transport to Rapopo Plantation Resort from Rabaul

Yes, there is a local transport option to Rapopo Plantation Resort from Rabaul. You can take a public motor vehicle PMV), which is a shared taxi or minibus, that runs on fixed routes and stops. The PMVs are numbered and you can find them at dedicated PMV stops, or try to stop one on the road. The fare from Kokopo to Rabaul in a PMV is about 3.5 5 Kina, which is about … Read the rest