Rabaul to Rapopo Plantation Resort

According to the web search results, the distance from Rabaul to Rapopo Plantation Resort is about 33.3 km. You can drive there in around 32 minutes, or take a taxi for about $190 $240. Rapopo Plantation Resort is a beachfront resort with stunning views of Tavurvur volcano and the islands of Rabaul. It offers a variety of activities and tours for its guests, such as snorkeling, diving, fishing, hiking, and golfing.

Is there a local transport to Rapopo Plantation Resort from Rabaul

Yes, there is a local transport option to Rapopo Plantation Resort from Rabaul. You can take a public motor vehicle PMV), which is a shared taxi or minibus, that runs on fixed routes and stops. The PMVs are numbered and you can find them at dedicated PMV stops, or try to stop one on the road. The fare from Kokopo to Rabaul in a PMV is about 3.5 5 Kina, which is about … Read the rest

Things to do on a Day Trip Kiriwina Island

A day trip to Kiriwina Island offers a blend of cultural experiences, natural beauty, and interaction with the local community. The island is known for its crystal-clear water, jungle-clad cliffs, and rich cultural heritage. Here are some activities you can enjoy on a day trip to Kiriwina Island:

  1. Cultural Interaction: Kiriwina is home to a largely unspoiled island culture. You can hire local guides for about 20 Kina approximately AU$8 to show you around the island, including visits to yam houses which are very important in the local culture), the skull cave, and the schoolhouse. The locals are known for their friendliness and eagerness to share their culture, making for an enriching experience​​.
  2. Swimming and Snorkeling: The island’s heat and humidity make the crystal-clear waters incredibly inviting. While snorkeling gear is not available for hire on the island, you can bring your own to explore the underwater beauty. Local guides can advise you on the best spots
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Snorkelling at Alotau is it suitable for beginners?

Snorkeling in Alotau, specifically at destinations like the Wreck of Muscoota, offers a unique experience that can cater to beginners as well as more experienced snorkelers. The clear waters of Milne Bay provide excellent visibility, making it suitable for those trying snorkeling for the first time. The region is known for its rich marine biodiversity, and snorkelers can expect to see a vibrant array of marine life including colorful coral reefs, various species of fish, sponges, clams, and possibly larger marine life depending on the location​​.

The Wreck of Muscoota, a notable snorkeling spot near Alotau, is particularly intriguing as it combines historical interest with natural beauty. The shipwreck, now a haven for aquatic life, offers a captivating underwater landscape for snorkelers to explore. Beginners will find this location appealing as it provides a gentle introduction to snorkeling with the added excitement of exploring a shipwreck. Under the supervision of professional guides, snorkelers can safely navigate the waters and … Read the rest

Things to do on a Day Trip PangPang Island

A day trip to PangPang Island in the Duke of York Islands, East New Britain, Papua New Guinea, promises a variety of activities and experiences that cater to both adventure seekers and those looking to relax amidst natural beauty. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Explore Pristine Scenery: The island’s untouched natural beauty is its main attraction. You can spend time exploring its pristine beaches, lush vegetation, and crystal-clear waters.
  2. Enjoy Local Hospitality and Cuisine: Take the opportunity to experience the warm hospitality of the local community. Enjoy local dishes, particularly seafood like lobsters, complemented by fresh fruits, offering a taste of the island’s culinary traditions​​.
  3. Dolphin Watching: The waters around PangPang Island are home to several dolphin species. A boat trip can take you to spots where you can watch these playful creatures in their natural habitat.
  4. Picnics and Retreats: Corey Corals Retreat on the island offers perfect spots for picnics and quiet retreats. It’s
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