Unveiling Papua New Guinea’s Must Visit Destinations

Papua New Guinea PNG), a land of staggering diversity and raw beauty, offers a plethora of awe-inspiring destinations for the intrepid traveler. From its highland valleys festooned with vibrant cultures to its pristine coral reefs teeming with marine life, PNG is a treasure trove of natural and cultural wonders. This article highlights the must-visit places in Papua New Guinea, ensuring travelers capture the essence of this magnificent country.

What are the must-visit places in Papua New Guinea? Travelers often seek recommendations for key attractions to ensure they don’t miss out on significant sights.

1. The Tari Highlands A Cultural Epicenter

Nestled in the heart of PNG, the Tari Highlands are home to the Huli tribe, famous for their elaborate headdresses and intricate face paintings. This region offers a unique glimpse into one of the oldest and most colorful cultures in the world. Visitors can engage in cultural tours, witness traditional singsings, and explore the lush, undulating landscapes.

2. Raja Ampat Islands A Diver’s Paradise

Although technically part of Indonesia, the Raja Ampat Islands, located off the northwest tip of PNG’s Bird’s Head Peninsula, are a must-visit for diving enthusiasts. Boasting the richest marine biodiversity on the planet, these islands offer unparalleled snorkeling and diving experiences amidst vibrant coral reefs and a dazzling array of marine life.

3. The Kokoda Track A Historical Journey

The Kokoda Track is a challenging 96-kilometer trek that traverses the rugged terrains of the Owen Stanley Range. It’s not only a test of physical endurance but also a poignant journey through history, following the footsteps of soldiers from World War II. This trek is a moving experience, combining natural beauty with historical significance.

4. Port Moresby The Urban Gateway

As the capital city, Port Moresby is the gateway to PNG and offers its own unique attractions. The National Museum and Art Gallery provides insights into the country’s rich cultural tapestry, while the Port Moresby Nature Park showcases an array of local wildlife, including the famed Birds of Paradise.

5. Sepik River The Lifeline of PNG Culture

The Sepik River, one of the longest rivers in the world, is a lifeline for many traditional communities. Traveling along this river allows visitors to explore remote villages, witness traditional art forms like the famed Sepik carvings, and understand the river’s significance in the daily lives of the local people.

6. Mount Wilhelm PNG’s Highest Peak

For the adventurous at heart, a climb to the summit of Mount Wilhelm, PNG’s highest peak, is a thrilling challenge. The journey offers stunning vistas, encounters with diverse flora and fauna, and the opportunity to witness the sunrise from the highest point in Oceania.

7. Trobriand Islands The Islands of Love

Known as the ‘Islands of Love’, the Trobriand Islands are renowned for their unique matrilineal society. The islands are not only culturally fascinating but also boast beautiful beaches and a serene, untouched natural environment.

8. New Britain A Blend of Nature and War History

New Britain, an island off PNG’s northeastern coast, is a blend of natural beauty and World War II history. Visitors can explore volcanic landscapes at Rabaul, dive into war wrecks at Kimbe Bay, and trek through the lush rainforests.

9. Madang A Scenic Coastal Town

Madang is known for its scenic beauty and diving spots. The town is surrounded by clear waters, volcanic islands, and a rich underwater world, making it a perfect spot for relaxation and marine exploration.


Papua New Guinea is a land of unparalleled diversity, with each destination offering a unique slice of this country’s vast cultural and natural heritage. These must-visit places provide just a glimpse into the wonders of PNG, a country that continues to enchant and inspire those who venture onto its shores. Whether you’re a culture enthusiast, nature lover, or adventure seeker, Papua New Guinea has something special in store for you.