Muir Woods National Park

Muir Woods is a national monument located in the San Francisco Bay Area in California, United States. It is a protected area of old-growth coastal redwood forest, named after the naturalist John Muir. The monument is managed by the National Park Service and was designated a national monument in 1908 by President Theodore Roosevelt.

The park contains about 240 acres of forest and is home to several species of plants and animals, including redwood trees, coast Douglas fir, western hemlock, and Pacific madrone. Visitors can hike on several trails throughout the park, ranging from easy to strenuous. The most popular trail is the Muir Woods Trail, which is a 1.5-mile loop that takes visitors through the heart of the forest.

Muir Woods is a popular tourist destination and attracts visitors from around the world. The park is open year-round and admission fees are charged. The park can be crowded, especially during peak tourist season, so it’s best to arrive early in the day to avoid crowds and find parking.

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