Search Results for: Toledo

The Arab occupation of Europe In History

The Arab occupation of Europe, also known as the Muslim conquest of Europe, refers to the period of history when Islamic armies from the Arabian Peninsula invaded and occupied parts of Europe. The Arab invasion began in the early 8th century and continued for several centuries, eventually leading to the establishment of Islamic empires in parts of Europe, including Spain, Portugal, and Sicily.

The Arab invasion of Europe began in 711 AD, when an army of Muslims led by Tariq ibn Ziyad, a Berber general, crossed the Strait of Gibraltar from North Africa and invaded the Iberian Peninsula, which was then under the control of the Visigothic Kingdom. The Muslim army quickly defeated the Visigothic forces and established a new Islamic state in Spain, which became known as Al-Andalus. The Muslims continued their expansion into Europe, conquering Sicily in 827 and establishing a Muslim state there, which lasted until the 11th century.

The Arab conquest of Europe was not limited … Read the rest

Church of Santo Tomé musement

Church of Santo Tomé musement

Church of Santo Tomé | musement . Book a tour or a guided tour of the beautiful Church of Santo Tomé while visiting Toledo! Do not miss the famous El Greco painting inside the church..
Review the Church of Santo Tomé | musement direct from .… Read the rest