Kids Travel Journal Japan digital download TravelTalesJr

(2 customer reviews)


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Embark on a whimsical odyssey to the Land of the Rising Sun with your little ones, armed with the magical Kids Travel Journal the ultimate digital companion for your children’s Japanese escapades. At an affordable AUD 5.99, this isn’t just a journal; it’s a treasure trove of creativity, an atlas of fun facts, and a chamber of interactive games designed to captivate your child’s imagination and immortalize their memories in digital form.

Imagine your child’s delight as they download this lightweight journal onto their iPad, bidding farewell to unwieldy notebooks. With a simple tap, swipe, or voice command, they can chronicle every moment of their Japanese journey, making the Kids Travel Journal as easy and kid-friendly as it gets.

The artistic adventures waiting inside will allow your young Da Vincis to paint their memories across digital pages with coloring activities inspired by Japan’s picturesque landscapes. Every stroke on the screen breathes life into cherry blossoms, and every shade chosen is a dance between fantasy and reality, igniting a fire of creativity and preserving their experiences in vibrant hues.

Long journeys become a playground of the mind with a variety of games that make each mile zoom by. The scenic Shinkansen rides turn into interactive escapades, ensuring the only question your kids will be asking is, “What’s the next game?”

Packing becomes playtime with a curated checklist, transforming the mundane task of preparation into an engaging activity. Watch your child’s excitement build as they tick off items, ensuring their favourite toy joins the voyage.

Taste buds embark on their own adventure with the Foodie Fun challenge, where trying out sushi or takoyaki becomes a game that tantalizes the palate and expands culinary horizons. Each new flavor is not just a meal but a story to share.

With our journal, your children don’t just visit Japan; they discover it like young explorers, turning every corner with a sense of wonder, unearthing hidden gems, and making each moment count.

The “My Day” feature is a canvas for expression, inviting your kids to illustrate their narrative with words, photos, and emotions, cataloging the weather and their excitement levels, crafting a personalized travel tale.

The educational snippets scattered throughout the journal convert every page into a fun, learning experience, enriching your child’s knowledge about Japan’s illustrious culture and history, sparking curiosity that goes beyond the journey.

Language barriers crumble as your kids learn basic

2 reviews for Kids Travel Journal Japan digital download TravelTalesJr

  1. Fabienne Pietruk


  2. Anonymous

    thanks Fabienne, have an amazing trip and enjoy documenting your experiences.

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